Sunday, February 26, 2012


ChouChou is back!

What? Do you never heard about it? So is about time to know it.

ChouChou was the first “art” sim I ever saw in SL (2008), when I started to blog about places I looked for it, but the sim had vanished.

But it is back and you need to see it. This place is almost empty, with few objects over it, like a piano, a birdcage and a huge ladder, that is a teleporter for other ChouChou sims.

Is beautiful see this few objects reflecting in the water, the simplicity of this place makes it perfect for pictures.

At the landing point you will find a hud, that makes you see ChouChou as a movie.

In 2008 I never thought about it, but this time I wanted to know more about this sim, about the creators and I discovered that in fact ChouChou is a music group ( a duo, actually )formed on July, 2007 to search for new possibilities of music.

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The Forbidden City - FOS and BTB

TheForbidden City is a RP combat sim with urban decay theme. There is some great buildings to explore and take pictures.

At landing point you will receive the sim’s rules, any person under 18 years old will be considered a trespassing. You can grab an observer tag or a combat meter, the system used here is the CCS, which is free.

After read the rules you can use the teleporter to reach the ground. The language spoken here is Spanish, so if you don’t know Spanish use a translator for RP.

At the ground you will arrive at a “rezz area”, which means it is free of combat. At this area you will find on line boards to GM if you are interested in join the RP.

This time I mixed and matched items from Back to Black (ends 24th at 4pm SLT) and Festival of Sim.

Unfortunately my time in SL is getting shorter, which means I won’t be able to cover events as I would like to, but I will do my best!

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Park Circle

Park Circle is a residential sim with a Mediterranean look. A beautiful buildings and surrounds will receive you in this place.

I was looking for a place like this to show up my look made with Festival of Sin items, mostly this hair … it is perfect for a country club.

Come check it out! This sim is part of Grove Country Club Estates and you can cross sim without notice, because e all of them have the same theme. It is a beautiful and quiet place to visit.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012


Zenfinity is place fulfilled with art installations and my favorite is a 3D version of Relativity, a lithograph print by the Dutch artist M. C. Esher in 1953.

This remembers me a movie, The Labyrinth, with my adored David Bowie.

I choose this weird scene for an even weirder look, almost all items available on Festival of Sin.

This festival celebrates the 7 deadly sins, so be aware of the explicit adult content on the sim. Please note, the festival sim will be ADULT, so you will need to be age verified to gain access.

My skull mask is supposed to be a male item, but well, it looks pretty good on me. The festival buildings are awesome too.. but this need to be another post.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

JuicyBomb Café

JuicyBomb sim now has a café! It is a cute and cozy place, so well decorate that I want to move and life there!

My pictures don’t do justice to it.

Lately my pc is being a pain and my shadows are grainy, I probably need to change it really soon….

Well… I keep blogging Back to Black because there are amazing items there, like my dress and my skin.

This skin actually is a kid skin but the face is so pretty that I covered it with a cleavage enhancer, it is not perfect, it have a line that I covered with hair and scarf, there is no way to wear it all the time …and I’m waiting Ashia release an adult version of it.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Spirit by claudia222 Jewell at Art Screamer

Sometimes I see things in SL that just make me breathless, the new claudia222 Jewell’s installation named Spirit at Art Screamer is one of them.

Spirit is a full sim installation, inspired by Bosch, created with mesh, fulfilled with details, so be sure that you have time to wait all textures to rezz. This is a mesh building.

At the landing point you will find a free mesh full avatar made by Claudia for free, it is the female one I’m wearing on the 3rd picture.

The last picture is Claudia on her own av, she is stunning isn’t she?

Near the lake you will find a chair that allow you to fly, so fly by yourself or sit on it and look to the sky, there are some great hidden treasures there too.

In the pictures I am “normally dressed” I’m wearing Back to Black items, the sim is now open to public, so hurry up to grab them all.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

LEA25 - The Journey and Back to Black

One of the current art installations on LEA25 is The Journey, made by Charlotte Bartlett.

According with Charlotte’s profile, this installation is about her discovery of Second Life, and journey through old concepts and discoveries. From love found friendship, wonderment and worry.

You need to walk thru this place and discover by yourself the path of this story.

Now let’s talk about my look, all items I’m wearing are from Back to Black event, which is about mental health

For this event the creators will be split up into themes. Items will be displayed within their theme collection. To counteract mental health stigma, the words won't be about suffering, but about hope using words like: strength, courage, survival, hope, determination, spirit and fighter.

Back to Black will open today at 4pm SLT and close 29th (4pm SLT for all deadlines listed), the lm is not available yet, but stay tuned on ChicManagement site

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Drowsy reopened!  I’m so happy with that, because I always saw pictures of this sim but I never visited it myself!

Drowsy is a wonderful sim with some amazing buildings surrounded for the cutest forest I even seen in the whole SL.

You will find some really cute animals, beautiful lights and some props to use spread around the sim.

There is also some old leather boxes hidden in the sim, which contain gifts, So far I found 7 of them, but there is no place telling me how much they are, at BP*Update Group they just say that there is some new releases and some gift.

Now… something about my clothes… I bought this beautiful mesh Lolita dress from=Feather= a while ago, but just now I could find a whole look to go with it.

I was looking for a top hat on market place and I saw this pretty little thing, so I decided to visit the store.  I was a wonderful surprise discover ~Casuka~. There is some really cool Lolly/Goth accessories, including this top hat and monocle I’m wearing.

Once again I’m trying to do some props and poses and so far I made this animated umbrella, it is already available on market place for really cheap ;-)

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Saturday, February 4, 2012


Huntress is a beautiful sim, with a stunning landscape that goes from a beach with electric transmission towers to a hunted mansion (a store actually) some eerie gardens and charming bridges.

The light on this place is really amazing; I used my own windlights on these pictures, which you can grab on the side bar.

I told you in a previous post about ColdLogic store... Well now it is open and is jaw drop! If you are into mesh fashion you surely must go there.

My jumpsuit is mesh and I just love the way it moves... I also love my brand new hair from Elikatira. Guess what… it is mesh too! Braided hair in mesh is a win for me, because I don’t have to pic a specific pose to make it look great.

I’m also featuring a new release of Dekade, which reopened recently. This is a basic skin and you buy makeups separately. The eyeshadows and lipsticks are ridiculously cheap.

If you are too attached to V1 viewer and think that you will never wear or see mesh I have a solution for you… two solutions actually….

The latest Phoenix update is able to show mesh and Singularity Viewer is a mesh viewer with V1 interface, so enjoy it!

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