ChouChou is back!
What? Do you never heard about it? So is about time to know it.
ChouChou was the first “art” sim I ever saw in SL (2008), when I started to blog about places I looked for it, but the sim had vanished.
But it is back and you need to see it. This place is almost empty, with few objects over it, like a piano, a birdcage and a huge ladder, that is a teleporter for other ChouChou sims.
Is beautiful see this few objects reflecting in the water, the simplicity of this place makes it perfect for pictures.
At the landing point you will find a hud, that makes you see ChouChou as a movie.
In 2008 I never thought about it, but this time I wanted to know more about this sim, about the creators and I discovered that in fact ChouChou is a music group ( a duo, actually )formed on July, 2007 to search for new possibilities of music.
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