Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cherry Blosson

As soon as I put my feet at The Liaison Collaborative an image of cherry blossom appear in my mind and I used the sl search and I found this place.

Cherry Blosson is a sim divided in 4 parcels, and this one here is amazing, is the home of Queen Bee

This is a shape and skin store and is is just pretty! The info on land tells me this have an eternal spring.

Here you will find a small cafe, a kitty cats miniature museum and many pretty corners to take pictures.

Style Card

Saturday, March 16, 2013

La Tortura

Hello! Long time I didn't blog here, I've been blogging for Free*Style because I always read that blog and Sileny invited me to do it.

Actually I've been doing it for a while, I just forgot to tell you here ....oops.

Well.. this blog used to be about places  but lately  I'm not exploring places as much as I used to do, so beware that I may start to do some random posts in studio, I hope you guys stay with me.

So.. lets talk about things that are happen now! Skin Fair open the doors to public, and I went there and dig some new skin creators (at least for me), and Step Inside were one of those new faces that catch my attention. It suits me very well, and I love the red eyebrows :D

Other thing I forgot to tell you was about Free* Style Store, great stores set many items from 0-50 lindens there, you should take a look into it.

Style Card