Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fantasy Faire 2013 - Meeros

Fantasy Faire is just around the corner, and Meeros will be there too, with all vendors donation 100% to RFL.

There will be starter packs, flowers, food and more, so if you are into breedables, Meeros can be a really great option.

They aren't the common breedables, there are an immersive background story and knowledge games on it. Plus, you can join fellowships to take care of your beloved pets.

Some Meeros are diurne, others are nocturne and they enjoy their ambience pretty much.

Style Card

Cave: [FYI] Water Crystal Cave Intersection by Flea Yatsenko

Purple Plant: Meeroos Thintel Plant by Moxie Polano for FF13

Carnivore Plant: Carnivorous Plant Purple MC by Moxie Polano for FF13

Geode: Magical Meeroo Me and My Geode V3.0 BOXED 999L by Nocturnals  for FF13, this will make your little cute Meero born, look for  nest, then for a home and food. Wait your cutie born and welcome to wonderful world where Meeros live.

Other plants and glowing ground from HPMD by Sasaya Kayo

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